Official Website


YouTube presentation for Secondary SchoolsYouTube presentation for College staff
Above Materials are provided by England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales

Children and adults with PWS vary considerably in their cognitive abilities, ranging from severe learning disabilities through to mild or no learning disabilities, although in the latter case their emotional development can impact on the way they use the knowledge they have. Children may attend mainstream or special schools, depending on their ability and the amount of support they can access. Although there are only a few adults with PWS in full-time employment, many have a fulfilling life through part-time or voluntary work, or accessing educational courses.

For advice and support about applying for an Education, Health and Care Need Assessment about EHC plans, or about appealing a Local Authority decision. Please contact the office on +6012-339 5232 or email

The following links are sections from the PWS Journey. Families can obtain a hard copy of the whole PWS Journey, which is updated as their child reaches the next age range, by becoming a member of PERSATUAN SINDROM PRADER-WILLI MALAYSIA

Contact us direct on +6012-339 5232


PERSATUAN SINDROM PRADER-WILLI MALAYSIA creates awareness and provides accurate information among public citizen about Prader Willi Syndrome. We establish network of association with organization, agencies and professionals involves in providing treatments, trainings and education to the patients. Feel free to browse through our website for more details.


No. 132, Jalan Enggang, Taman Keramat, 54200 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia.
+6012-339 5232
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